-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disk No 352 Two Forths v1.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are two forths that are are ready for the beginner to use, but along with the documentation and soruce code for experienced programers who want to extensively expand or modify their forth. Also good examples for those who want to write their own forth. MVPFORTH and FORTH-H can be assembled IBM's assembler. MVPFORTH WDS List of code level words for MVPFORTH MVPFORTH DOC Documentation for MVPFORTH MVPFORTH ASM Source code for MVPFORTH IBM assembler format MVPFORTH COM FORTH-79 compatible forth interpiter FORTH-H ASM Source for Glen Haydon's version of MVPFORTH FORTH-H COM Glen Haydon's forth interpreter FORTH-H DOC Documentation for Glen Haydon's forth PC-SIG 1030D E. Duane Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG